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Custom Growing, Cracking, & Sizing

Dutch Valley Growers has the knowledge and ability to grow your onion seed into onion sets. We have the ideal soil for growing short day, intermediate day, and long day onions. We have experience with numerous varieties and have generations of growing knowledge.

We have added garlic seed production to our operation. Let us save you time and labor. We have all the equipment to crack and size your garlic. With our garlic cracking process, we size all the garlic cloves for a uniform clove size which will help you have a consistent stand. Our sizer gives us the ability to also size onion sets as well. Some of our standard bulb and clove sizing is 12-15mm, 16-20mm, 21-25mm, and 25-27mm. The uniformity of our grading helps with the use of bulb planters.

Give us a call or email to see if we can help you.